Quarterly E- News Tag

By JoAnna Mueller It has been a crazy few weeks politically and we don’t expect it to calm down any time soon. On the first day of the RNC Convention, Former President Trump announced that J.D. Vance of Ohio would be his running mate. We wanted to preview Sen. Vance’s history with small businesses. J.D. Vance is a strong advocate for small businesses. His platform emphasizes...

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By Kevin Schlutz Late last month, for the first time in at least 5 years, the Greater Midwest region had a meeting “in the region” to allow those members who are unable to travel to Convention or the fall meeting to attend an in-person meeting within driving distance for many. It was technically a board meeting, but all were welcome, and it was an intense and extremely...

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By JoAnna Mueller On June 4th and 5th, the AKFCF Government Affairs Committee orchestrated an impactful fly-in event. The primary issues for discussion were Department of Labor policies, taxes, swipe fees, joint employer laws, and stablecoin, all critical to the success and sustainability of franchisees.  The event kicked off Tuesday with breakfast, featuring a welcome address by Jimmy Panetta (CA-19). This set the stage for a day packed with informative sessions...

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By Kelly Rodenberg As the temperature increases and summer approaches, you would think that the AKFCF workload might cool down and allow for time off for fun and sun. Well, the work heats up too. We have been busy with completing items/tasks on the AKFCF strategic plan, creating an agenda for our summer Top to Top meeting with KFC corporate, planning for the AKFCF fall board...

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By Kelly Rodenberg It’s hard to believe that only two short months ago we were all together at the 2024 Convention in Las Vegas. After each Convention concludes, we send out a survey to the attendees to help us assess what worked well and what we need to improve on. This feedback helps us as we begin to prepare for the next Convention. Yes, we have...

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By Deborah Lundie Southern California has faced the current increase of our minimum wage workers to $20 last month. We have been working on ways to implement this increase as well as keep our profits increasing as well. There have been many hours of discussion and brainstorming during the past months and we are confident our stores will still flourish with proper planning and strategic implementation...

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By JoAnna Mueller A new Department of Labor rule has been released. We have previewed its possibility when it was announced as a proposed rule last August. The new rule raises the salary threshold under which salaried employees are eligible for overtime in two stages. Effective July 1, 2024, the salary threshold will increase to the equivalent of an annual salary of $43,888, or $844 a...

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By Shane Lovato Over the past year, the Southwest region has seen remarkable growth, not only in the establishment of new stores but also in our membership base, which has expanded by 30 percent compared to previous years. This significant increase underscores the power of a collaborative environment. Looking ahead, the remainder of the year promises to be bustling as we prepare for our upcoming Spring ARL/RGM...

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By Kelly Rodenberg Did you miss the "Reaching Impossible" Convention last month in Las Vegas? Or want to relive some of the special moments? Well, if so, here are ways you can see the highlights: • AKFCF’s FB page – pictures of the Convention are now posted. • AKFCF’s Website – Go to the 2024 Convention page to see AKFCF President, Justin Stewart’s Opening Keynote • For videos of our...

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By JoAnna Mueller Dan Gans will be giving updates at the AKFCF Convention this week! On Thursday, March 20, Dan will be giving a policy update to the Regional Break-Out sessions. It will be a chance to hear about the most pressing legislative and regulatory issues facing AKFCF. He’ll go over how we are approaching them as a GAC. He will also take questions if there...

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